. */ # Known/outstanding issues: # [UNCONFIRMED ISSUE] Plugin seems to keep pinging when importing an XML/WXR file even if pinging is disabled # Plugin does not seem to report any errors if it cannot write to the log file (see E2 blog for example) function SUP_add_options_page(){ if(function_exists("add_options_page")) add_options_page("UP Smart Update Pinger", "UP Smart Update Pinger", 5, basename(__FILE__), "SUP_show_options_page"); } function SUP_show_options_page(){ global $logfile; $ping = get_option("SUP_ping"); $pinglog = get_option("SUP_pinglog"); $uris = get_option("ping_sites"); $forcedpings = false; $SUP_output_log=''; $pingservicesnow = "Ping Services Now!"; $deletelogfile = "Delete Log File"; if(isset($_POST["ping"]) && $_POST["ping"] == $pingservicesnow){ $forcedpings = true; SUP_log(SUP_ping_services($forcedpings).strftime("%D %T")."\tForced pinging services (Homepage)\n\t─────\n"); }elseif(isset($_POST["submit"])){ $uris = $_POST["uris"]; $ping = 0; if($_POST["ping"] == 1) $ping = 1; $pinglog = 0; if($_POST["pinglog"] == 1) $pinglog = 1; update_option("SUP_ping", $ping); update_option("SUP_pinglog", $pinglog); update_option("ping_sites", $uris); echo '

Options saved.

'; }elseif(isset($_POST["delete"]) && $_POST["delete"] == $deletelogfile){ $fh = @fopen($logfile, "w"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, strftime("%D %T")."\tLog file deleted\n\t─────\n")){ update_option("SUP_error", 1); }else{ update_option("SUP_error", 0); } @fclose($fh); } $checked1 = ''; if($ping == 1) $checked1 = 'checked="checked"'; $checked2 = ''; if($pinglog == 1) $checked2 = 'checked="checked"'; echo '

Ultimate Plugins Smart Update Pinger

Click here for installation instructions

Click here for usage instructions

Click here for updated versions

Click here for comments and suggestions

URIs to Ping

The following services will automatically be pinged/notified when you publish normal or future timestamped posts. Not when you edit previously published posts, as WordPress does by default.

This plugin also fixes an issue with the default extended ping programming in Wordpress and pre-2.1 versions of Smart Update Pinger (it now includes the url of the new post).

NB: this list is synchronized with the original update services list.

Separate multiple service URIs with line breaks:

Ping log

These are the last 100 actions performed by the plugin. In reverse chronological order for easier reading (latest ping first).

'; SUP_get_last_log_entries(500); echo '

'; } # telling WordPress to ping if the post is new, but not if it's just been edited function SUP_ping_if_new($id){ global $wpdb, $post_title; $SUP_output_log="\t─────\n"; $SUP_ping_result=''; $forcedpings = false; if(get_option('SUP_ping') == 1 && trim(get_option('ping_sites')) != ""){ # fetches data directly from database; the function "get_post" is cached, and using it here will get the post as is was before the last save $row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query( // "SELECT post_date,post_modified,post_title,guid FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE id=$id")); "SELECT post_date,post_modified,post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE id=$id")); # if time when created equals time when modified it is a new post, otherwise the author has edited/modified it if(!$row["post_title"]){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (ERROR: YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN TO ENTER A POST TITLE) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ if($row["post_date"] == $row["post_modified"]){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tPinging services (New normal post: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,get_permalink($id)).$SUP_output_log; # Try commenting the line above, and uncommenting this line below if pinging seems to be out of order. Please notify the author if it helps! # generic_ping(); }else{ // Post has been edited or it's a future post // If we have a post title it means that we are in the normal WP loop and therefore it was an edit (not a future post) if($post_title){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (Existing post was edited: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tPinging services (New timestamped post: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,get_permalink($id)).$SUP_output_log; # Try commenting the line above, and uncommenting this line below if pinging seems to be out of order. Please notify the author if it helps! # generic_ping(); } } } }else{ if (trim(get_option('ping_sites')) != ""){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (WARNING: DISABLED BY ADMINISTRATOR)\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (WARNING: EMPTY PING SERVICES LIST)\n".$SUP_output_log; } } SUP_log($SUP_output_log); } # More or less a copy of WP's "generic_ping" from functions.php, but uses another function to send the actual XML-RPC messages. function SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,$SUP_guid = ''){ $SUP_output_log=''; #$services = get_settings('ping_sites'); #UP - 17.07.07 - get_option is newer/better then get_settings $services = get_option('ping_sites'); $services = preg_replace("|(\s)+|", '$1', $services); // Kill dupe lines $services = trim($services); if ( '' != $services ) { $services = explode("\n", $services); foreach ($services as $service) $SUP_output_log=SUP_send_xmlrpc($forcedpings,$SUP_guid,$service).$SUP_output_log; } return $SUP_output_log; } # A slightly modified version of the WordPress built-in ping functionality ("weblog_ping" in functions.php). # Original version: #function weblog_ping($server = '', $path = '') { #global $wp_version; #include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php'); #// using a timeout of 3 seconds should be enough to cover slow servers #$client = new IXR_Client($server, ((!strlen(trim($path)) || ('/' == $path)) ? false : $path)); #$client->timeout = 3; #$client->useragent .= ' -- WordPress/'.$wp_version; #// when set to true, this outputs debug messages by itself #$client->debug = false; #$home = trailingslashit( get_option('home') ); #if ( !$client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_option('blogname'), $home, get_bloginfo('rss2_url') ) ) // then try a normal ping #$client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home); #} # This one uses correct extendedPing format (WP does not), and logs response from service. function SUP_send_xmlrpc($forcedpings,$SUP_guid = '',$server = '', $path = ''){ global $wp_version; $SUP_output_log=''; include_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php'); // using a timeout of 5 seconds should be enough to cover slow servers (changed from 3 to 5) $client = new IXR_Client($server, ((!strlen(trim($path)) || ('/' == $path)) ? false : $path)); $client->timeout = 5; $client->useragent .= ' -- WordPress/'.$wp_version; // when set to true, this outputs debug messages by itself $client->debug = false; $home = trailingslashit( get_option('home') ); # The extendedPing format should be "blog name", "blog url", "check url" (the new URL), and "feed url". # Related Website(s) # http://www.weblogs.com/api.html # An example: # Someblog - Title # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog - Home URL # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog/PersonalSpace.aspx?something - Check/New URL # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog/feed.rss - Feed # Changed the following line therefore: # if($client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_settings('blogname'), $home, get_bloginfo('rss2_url'), get_bloginfo('rss2_url'))) if ($forcedpings){ # If this is a forced ping it's better to use a regular ping for the homepage without an update URL (safer) if($client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home)){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Regular Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► ".$server." could not be pinged. Error message: “".$client->error->message."”\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ if($client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_option('blogname'), $home, $SUP_guid, get_bloginfo('rss2_url'))){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Extended Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Updated : '".$SUP_guid."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► RSS URL : '".get_bloginfo('rss2_url')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ # pinging was unsuccessful, trying regular ping format if($client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home)){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Regular Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► ".$server." could not be pinged. Error message: “".$client->error->message."”\n".$SUP_output_log; } } } return $SUP_output_log; } $post_title = ""; # Receives the title of the post from a filter below function SUP_post_title($title){ global $post_title; $post_title = $title; return $title; } # Log $logfile = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger/ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger.log'; function SUP_log($SUP_log_output){ global $logfile; $logerror = 0; $fh = @fopen($logfile, "a"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, $SUP_log_output)){ update_option("SUP_error", 1); }else{ update_option("SUP_error", 0); } @fclose($fh); } function SUP_get_last_log_entries($num){ global $logfile; $lines = @file($logfile); if(get_option("SUP_error") == 1){ $fh = @fopen($logfile, "a"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, "")){ echo "Error writing log file (".$logfile."). Most likely your logfile (".$logfile.") is write-protected and no log data can be saved (change the rights of this file to 777), or alternatively this could mean that you have manually removed the log file, or that you have changed the directory or file name of the plugin (they both should be 'ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger')"; }else{ // Original: $lines = array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num); // Modified to show in reverse order (easier for reading) $lines = array_reverse(array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num)); $msg = ""; foreach($lines as $line){ $msg.=trim($line)."
"; } echo $msg; } @fclose($fh); }else{ if($lines === false){ echo "Error reading log file (".$logfile."). Most likely you have manually removed the log file, or alternatively this could mean that the logfile (".$logfile.") is read-protected (change the rights of this file to 777), or that you have changed the directory or file name of the plugin (they both should be 'ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger')"; }else{ // Original: $lines = array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num); // Modified to show in reverse order (easier for reading) $lines = array_reverse(array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num)); $msg = ""; foreach($lines as $line){ $msg.=trim($line)."
"; } echo $msg; } } } # adds a filter to receive the title of the post before publishing add_filter("title_save_pre", "SUP_post_title"); # shows the options in the administration panel add_action("admin_menu", "SUP_add_options_page"); # calls SUP_ping whenever a post is published add_action("publish_post", "SUP_ping_if_new"); # calls SUP_ping_draft when changing the status from private/draft to published # add_action("private_to_published', 'SUP_ping_draft'); # removes the "WordPress official" pinging hook remove_action("publish_post", "generic_ping"); # activates pinging if setting doesn't exist in database yet (before the user has changed the settings the first time) if(get_option("SUP_ping") === false){update_option("SUP_ping", 1);} if(get_option("SUP_pinglog") === false){update_option("SUP_pinglog", 1);} if(get_option("SUP_error") === false){update_option("SUP_error", 0);} ?> All – Kite 2012 https://kite2012.com Kitesurfing News Year 2012-2016! Sat, 14 May 2016 09:15:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6 Tom’s kitchen episode 4 https://kite2012.com/toms-kitchen-episode-4/ Sat, 14 May 2016 09:10:35 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2864 Tom Hebert is with no doubt one of the most “stylish” kite riders and a great source for inspiration. There are three previous episodes of Tom’s Kitchen and they are all great and fun to watch! Episode 2 is probably my own favourite, but number 4 is also excellent! A video that deinitely deserves to be posted here on Kite 2012!

Pulled hamstring from kiting https://kite2012.com/pulled-hamstring-from-kiting/ Mon, 18 Apr 2016 19:19:17 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2853 You know the feeling in your legs when you’re totally wrong in the landing from a high jump. Even tough you slide the board away from you and take part of the landing with your ass you feel that these kind of landings probably aren’t too good for knees, ankles and muscles. Still nothing happens and you continue surf wondering how bad a landing must be to really wreck something in your body. I’m soon about to tell you what it takes and I’m sharing my story with you so that you don’t do the same mistake as me and so that you understand the importance of training your body to withstand the force when the wind is howling.

Until recently I was one of those lucky guys who never got injured from kitesurfing, not once in a seven years long kitesurfing career. Two months ago I was practising darkslides. I was at a level where I succeeded with my darkslides in one attempt out of three. The wind was strong the day I injured myself. Around 20 knots and I was well powered with a 10.5m RRD Obsession. To practise darkslides (or any other new trick for that matter) in this wind was probably my first mistake. Anyway, if you’re familiar with the darkslide you know that in order to get out of the slide you must loop the kite at a perfect timing to get a smooth lift and a soft landing. My second mistake this day was that I looped the kite right in the power zone and as a result I was janked horizontally with my legs straight back behind me. Almost like a railey, but with much more power. The third mistake this day was the fact that I was wearing thin boots with good grip. Exactly the same boots as these: kitesurfing boots.

These boots are good, but don’t tight your straps to much, because it will become hard to kick of your board in an emergency situation!

During my loop and horizontal flight something bad happens. My right foot is sliding out of its strap. Still flying I am desperately trying to kick of my board, but it´s stuck to its left foot. There is a fraction of a second where I have to make a decision. Land on my chest/face with the board behind me, with the risk for the board to get stuck in the water and twist my knee and/or ankle. Something which also could turn out very bad considering that I was aiming for a HARD impact. The second option was to quickly pull the board infront of me and take the landing with one foot. I went for the later option. I can tell you that the impact was just as hard as one of those bad landings when you sacrifice your ass to save your knees.

WHAAAM! The landing was like being hit in your face by a straight right from Mike Tyson. As a matter of fact the landing was so hard that my left upper leg went totally paralysed. There was no sound from a cracked bone or a snapped muscle, but the leg just got totally shut down, like it had been electrified. Fortunately I was close to the beack as this happened and I could drift to the beach and land the kite. Once free from the kite I started to investigate my leg. No visible damage, but there was no doubt that the leg had suffered from a severe stretch. To stand up on my feet was out of the question. As it turned out walking was out of the question for more than a week. The first three days I was just lying in my bed. Barely eating and drinking cause it was so painful to jump to the toilet. It felt like my hamstring was being held together by one single muscle fibre. But eventually I was able to slowly start walk again without crutches. This was on day 9 and of course with baby steps.















Today, exactly two months later my leg is still not kiteable. I´ve been to physio therapist three times already and there is a chance that I will do a MR if the medical care agrees. I´m training my leg as good as I can. I follow the the physio therapist program to every point and havn’t missed one single training day. I simply must get back my strength and I´ll do whatever it takes to get back on the water, hopefully stronger than ever. 3-4 months of rehab is the verdict by the physio therapists I´ve talked with.

To fuck up sometimes when kitesurfing is normal. Occasionally it happens to all of us. But what I learned from this injury is that out bodies has limits and if you want to push them make sure that you´re preparred for it. I´ve been training in the gym for 20 years but I can admit that legs havn’t always been first priority. Don’t neglect the fact that you can hurt yourself while kitesurfing. Train hard and stretch to become flexible. Warm up before those insane session, those are my two cents!

Red Bull Megaloop Challenge 2015 https://kite2012.com/red-bull-megaloop-challenge-2015/ Sat, 13 Jun 2015 17:40:25 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2841 Recently the Megaloop Challenge was held in Holland. As usual the competition delivered great action and stunning megaloops!

This awesome video sum it up =)

How do to jump transitions https://kite2012.com/how-do-to-jump-transitions/ Tue, 13 Jan 2015 07:54:11 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2824 Dimitri Maramenides from Epic Kites teach you how to do a jump transition in his funny way. This is a cool video to watch even for those that already know how to do a jump transition. Humour, style and knowledge packed together in this video, enjoy!


Kitesurfer found drowned in Langebaan – South Africa https://kite2012.com/kitesurfer-found-drowned-in-langebaan-south-africa/ Wed, 07 Jan 2015 20:32:24 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2818 The kitesurfer who was an instructor was having a session in the late afternoon. According to rumours the kitesurfer, a 39 years old man from the Netherlands was doing an attempt to do an unhooked handle pass trick, but somehow managed to get one arm entangled in a steering line which resulted in the kite start making low kite loops. If the man at the same time was knocked unconscious is unsure, but it can explain why he drowned from this incident. Nevertheless, it is sad news for the kitesurfing community and we are once more reminded of the risk that is involved in kitesurfing. Never kite alone, wear a helmet, a life west and use your common sense.

International Female Kite Week 2014 https://kite2012.com/international-female-kite-week-2014/ Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:33:30 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2786 Last December 1-7, 2014 KB4Girls held the #internationalfemalekiteweek all over the globe. This event was not only held to invite more female kiters but also to celebrate the past, present and future of female kite boarders. The event was over flowing with girl power and what better way to celebrate than to go kiting, connect with other female kiters and win awesome prizes.


KB4Girls held the events in their chapters, maybe you can catch it next time if you’re in the area!

December 1, 2014 – Mexico Chapter: Downwinder from ExotiKite Kiteboarding School to Buena Vista

December 4, 2014 – Morocco Chapter: Downwinder from Moulay to Essaouira

December 5, 2014 – Dominican Republic Chapter: Waveriding Clinic with Audrey

December 6, 2014 – USA/Maui Chapter: Gathering of female kiters at Pavilions

December 6, 2014 – USA/Charleston Chapter: Fun at the Indoor Trampoline Park

December 6, 2014 – Dominican Republic Chapter: Self Rescue Refresher for Female Kiters

December 6, 2014 – Dominican Republic Chapter: Downwinder to Enquentro lead by LEK and Bianca

December 6, 2014 – Israel Chapter: Girls Gathering and SUPing

December 7, 2014 – Australia Chapter: International Female Kite Week celebration

December 7, 2014 – UK Chapter: Girls Week Celebration

If you don’t live near any one of the locations above, you can hold your own event.


Buying a ticket would get you in the event and would also enter you in the raffle and it had over $8000 from sponsors like: 1dayfly-deals, DAKINE, Best Kiteboarding, Baby-G, Nicole Miller,SOLOSHOT, WOO Sports, ALOHA, Biancabikinis, Sensi Graves Bikinis,Girls Love Boards, Kurtis Surf Goggles and Kristin Boese! This is also to help raise funds for KB4Girls and all of it will go directly to covering the event cost and also other awesome future projects.




















Are you itching to kite yet? or are you still not quite sure you want to try it? I’ve got it covered! Here’s why you should.

And if you wanna be part of KB4G click here to go to their site. Or you could also donate.

The International Female Kite Week 2015 will be held on November 30 – December 6. Don’t forget to check their site and Facebook page once in a while for updates! See you there!

Kite trip to Brazil https://kite2012.com/kite-trip-to-brazil/ Fri, 12 Dec 2014 13:42:46 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2768 Brazil is great destination for kite surfing vacation. Wind every day at season wide sandy beaches warm weather , good facilities and pleasant atmosphere. Except the super reliable wind, the main attraction of kiboarding in Brazil is the batter flat lagoons and the great downwinders.

Brazil is suitable for everybody: beginners can learn to kite in the lagoons and pro’s can enjoy the endless hours of kitesurfing in best conditions. Families that enjoy (windy) beach life will be happy here, and girls alone will feel great.

kite girl cauipe cumbuco brazil

Kite lagoon at north Brazil

There are many shallow rivers in the kite area in north Brazil, creating a lot of lagoons. The Lagoons near the beach, get the wind from the sea, creating paradise condition for free style kite boarding. The most famous kite lagoon is Cauipe lagoon in Cumbuco. Great place to kiteboard and chill out while watching local and pro’s puling some tricks. You can get to the lagoon by fun 1 hour down trip from the village, and get back with one of the buggy’s available here all day.

Cauipe lagoon, Cumbuco Brazil

kite cumbuco lagoon brazil 0597

Photo by @Hilla Ost


Other great lagoons are the huge tidal lagoon in Ilha do Guajiru , and the huge sea lagoon in Barra Grande. Many smaller lagoons can be found along the kite beach, most are reachable by buggy ride or downwind kitesurfing.

Ilha do Guajiru kite  lagoon

kiteboarding ilha brazil 1102

Downwind kite trips at north Brazil

The kite area in north Brazil has hundred miles of wide sandy beaches habitat with mainly small fisherman villages. That plus the fact that winds blows constantly from side ti side-onshore direction, allows you to kite downwind along the beach for days.  The best way is to have a buggy or a pickup escorting you on the beach. Buggy’s and pickups are not cheap in Brazil, so If you are young and restless, you can kite to the next village, and come back by bus. Just don’t forget your flip-lops.

Refreshing moment in Taiba Paracuru downwind

downwind kite trip refresh

There are many great small downwinds of 10-20km that you can do daily. The most popular is the 6-8km downwind from Cumbuco to Cauipe lagoon, no transport is needed, just go and take a buggy back at the lagoon. Taiba to Paracuru is amazing downwinds for kitesurfing wave. And you can go for the big downwind (250km)  from Cumbuco to Jericoacoara, or even bigger until Barra Grande, sleeping each night at a different village. You can join an organized doanwind, or organize one yourself.

Family kite trip to Brazil

Kids are very welcome in Brazil at any age, people there are very tolerant towards children and very fond of them. Beach hotels, usually have a wind sheltered area by the pool, so even baby’s can enjoy here.

Teenagers can learn how to kite, enjoy buggy rides and horse riding. Kids can surf wave , swim in the lagoons and play football with the locals. Food here is simple and suitable for children. Lots of fruits, grilled meat, rice, french fries and pasta can be found everywhere.

Kite kiteboard at Cauipe Lagoon Cumbuco

kite jump kite cumbuco

Families, can stay at beach hotels, or rent a villa or apartment. If you stay some time in Cumbuco or Jericoacoara, you can arrange yourself a verity of activities. You can arrange Portuguese lessons, and daily Capoeira classes for your family at your hotel. Recommended kite villages for families are Cumbuco, Guajiru and Jericoacoara.

Kite beach hotel Cumbuco Brazil

kite beach hotel cumbuco brazil 1795

More information on your next kite trip

All the information about kitesurfing at north Brazil can be found in Go-kite.com – kitesurf traveler guide to Brazil and other spots world wide. How to get to kite spost, where to stay, kite conditions, kite lessons and more.

profile 200x200 capeverde kite back     The author
     Naomi Fridman






Calories Burned When Kiteboarding https://kite2012.com/calories-burned-when-kiteboarding/ Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:28:07 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2763 sports_upcoming4


It’s not just fun and games. Kiteboarding, as extreme as it is can definitely burn some serious calories. Swimming is the best cardio work out there is, combine with it the hardcore tricks and you got yourself a really good work out. But exactly how many calories do you burn on, let’s say, an hour’s worth of kiteboarding? Well, it’s hard to tell but we’ve combined a number of studies to give you a good estimate on how much. Of course, there are a lot of factors to consider like what kind of wind, the level of kiteboarding (intensity), your weight, height, gender and age, the tricks your perform and probably a few more external factors.

One way to measure it is by finding out how much oxygen you take up at rest and how much you consume while doing the activity. Metabolic Equivalents can be a good indicator on how much calories you burn by measuring how much oxygen to take in. One MET is approximately or assumed to be 3.5ml of oxygen per kg of body weight per minute. Extreme activities like Kiteboarding are estimated to be 10-11 METs. Which would mean that you took up 10 (or 11) times the amount of oxygen that you normally would when you are at rest.

The computation would be: average METs x 3.5 x (body weight in kg / 200) OR 10METs x 3.5ml of oxygen x (80.6kg / 200)

For example, the average weight of guys in Sweden is 80.6kg

10 x 3.5 = 35 (80.6/200 = 0.403)

35 x 0.403 = 14.105 calories burned per minute

On a good two hour run, you wouldn’t be consistently doing extreme kiteboarding (or would you?), so you can adjust that number accordingly.

Another factor that you’d have to consider would be the climate and how cold / warm the water is. Aside from the many health benefits you’ll get from swimming in cold water like it boosts the immune system, it invigorates and energizes, it also helps burn calories.

“A study performed at the University of Florida showed slightly more calories are burned in cold water exercise than in warm. In the study, men who exercised for 45 minutes in 68 degree water burned an average of 517 calories. The men who exercised in 91.4 degree water burned 505 calories, on average.” -from an article in LiveStrong  (November 13, 2013 by Susan Presley)


There are lots of things to consider when you want a good estimate on how much you burn on each ride but don’t miss out on all the fun. Kiteboarding is one awesome way to help you achieve and maintain that awesome body!



Learn to kitesurf in Salinas Bay – Costa Rica https://kite2012.com/learn-to-kitesurf-in-salinas-bay-costa-rica/ Wed, 26 Nov 2014 16:28:00 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2750 Salinas Bay



Salinas Bay is located in the far northwest corner of Guanacaste Province in Costa Rica. It is a remote location that’s often windy with gorgeous untouched beaches not to mention the beautiful scenery. It’s a great place to go to experience the island life, it’s a place where you can be at peace or be the adrenaline junkie that you are. Salinas bay is the go-to place for wind surfers and kiters alike.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a beginner or if you can own the air in your sleep, there’s a place for you to surf in Salinas Bay. It also doesn’t hurt if you know a great kite school that’ll cater to your needs and has programs for your specific skill set. Costa Kite has created programs for every level of kiters, they are committed to help you get the most out of your kiting vacation. All their instructors are IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization) certified and their gears are always up to date. They’ll make sure all your lessons are fun and safe. It’s always good to try something new when you’re on vacation but at all times, you should put safety as your number one priority; Making sure you have all the right gear and using the proper techniques will do just that.

Salinas Bay has constant winds from November to March, this makes it a great place to visit specially for kite boarders and wind surfers. The things you can do while you’re there is not limited to just that though, you can also go hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing, go on boat tours and a lot more. There’s always a lot of things to do when you go on a trip so it’s a good idea if you plan ahead to maximize your time. OR you can just lay on the beach, relax and enjoy the beauty of Costa Rica.

**If you want to inquire, book, or know more about kiting in Salinas Bay, click here.

Te Tainui Kitesurfing Video by F-One https://kite2012.com/te-tainui-kitesurfing-video-by-f-one/ Wed, 19 Nov 2014 15:19:35 +0000 https://kite2012.com/?p=2704 When we hear ‘Tahiti’, it’s like our mind automatically relaxes and we envision paradise. And that’s actually not far from the truth because of it’s spectacular view, it truly is a magical place. Tahiti is the largest island in the windward group of French Polynesia. The island is located in the archipelago of the Society Islands in the central Southern Pacific Ocean, and is divided into two parts: The bigger, northwestern part Tahiti Nui and the smaller, southeastern part Tahiti Iti. It is composed of 118 islands with rugged mountain peaks, coral reefs, blue lagoons, white sand beaches and luxurious resorts, there’s definitely something for everyone.

The most popular place for kitesurfing is Motu Martin (a good spot for beginners) which is not far from Papenoo wherein you can find waves for all levels. Taapuna is also a good place to visit since it’s a large lagoon with great free ride conditions. If you’re looking for a challenge then head over to Sapinus and Maraa, both of which are for more experienced kiters. Teahupoo, despite its beauty, is known for being one of the most notorious spots world wide. Baie Phaeton and Vairao are two of the more beautiful places you can kite, the former offers easy-going conditions in a shallow lagoon and the latter is ideal for wave riders.

We stumbled upon a video made by F-ONE KITES and I have to say that they captured the essence of Tahiti on video, of course there’s no substitute for the real thing but this one comes in a close second. In the beginning of the video it was peaceful and as it went on they showed how the kiters lose themselves completely in the sport, how they become one with everything. The second part of which shows the friendships and the bond that’s formed when you’re with people who have the same passion. Even if you’re not a rider, you’d definitely appreciate all the work they put into it and their love for the sport shines through.


Watch the video and see for yourself!

“Once again the F-ONE team went off to discover new landscapes and live an extraordinary adventure.

Raphaël SALLES put on his captain’s hat for the time of a far-off journey to meet his Tahitian team and experience the magic surrounding their idyllic islands. Accompanied by his faithful sidekicks as well as newcomers, they went on to board two catamarans for 25 days of pure happiness in another world.
Tahiti is well and truly as you can imagine: wild, powerful, with the force of the ocean being ever-present and where sharing and wisdom are common values within a whole people.

Riders : Mitu MONTEIRO, Poenaiki RAIOHA, Robinson HILARIO, Micka FERNANDEZ, Marie SWITALA, Aude LIONET CHANFOUR, Alexandre CAIZERGUES, Filippe FERREIRA, Manutea MONNIER, Rémi QUIQUE, Patrice CHANZY, Raphaël SALLES.”
