. */ # Known/outstanding issues: # [UNCONFIRMED ISSUE] Plugin seems to keep pinging when importing an XML/WXR file even if pinging is disabled # Plugin does not seem to report any errors if it cannot write to the log file (see E2 blog for example) function SUP_add_options_page(){ if(function_exists("add_options_page")) add_options_page("UP Smart Update Pinger", "UP Smart Update Pinger", 5, basename(__FILE__), "SUP_show_options_page"); } function SUP_show_options_page(){ global $logfile; $ping = get_option("SUP_ping"); $pinglog = get_option("SUP_pinglog"); $uris = get_option("ping_sites"); $forcedpings = false; $SUP_output_log=''; $pingservicesnow = "Ping Services Now!"; $deletelogfile = "Delete Log File"; if(isset($_POST["ping"]) && $_POST["ping"] == $pingservicesnow){ $forcedpings = true; SUP_log(SUP_ping_services($forcedpings).strftime("%D %T")."\tForced pinging services (Homepage)\n\t─────\n"); }elseif(isset($_POST["submit"])){ $uris = $_POST["uris"]; $ping = 0; if($_POST["ping"] == 1) $ping = 1; $pinglog = 0; if($_POST["pinglog"] == 1) $pinglog = 1; update_option("SUP_ping", $ping); update_option("SUP_pinglog", $pinglog); update_option("ping_sites", $uris); echo '

Options saved.

'; }elseif(isset($_POST["delete"]) && $_POST["delete"] == $deletelogfile){ $fh = @fopen($logfile, "w"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, strftime("%D %T")."\tLog file deleted\n\t─────\n")){ update_option("SUP_error", 1); }else{ update_option("SUP_error", 0); } @fclose($fh); } $checked1 = ''; if($ping == 1) $checked1 = 'checked="checked"'; $checked2 = ''; if($pinglog == 1) $checked2 = 'checked="checked"'; echo '

Ultimate Plugins Smart Update Pinger

Click here for installation instructions

Click here for usage instructions

Click here for updated versions

Click here for comments and suggestions

URIs to Ping

The following services will automatically be pinged/notified when you publish normal or future timestamped posts. Not when you edit previously published posts, as WordPress does by default.

This plugin also fixes an issue with the default extended ping programming in Wordpress and pre-2.1 versions of Smart Update Pinger (it now includes the url of the new post).

NB: this list is synchronized with the original update services list.

Separate multiple service URIs with line breaks:

Ping log

These are the last 100 actions performed by the plugin. In reverse chronological order for easier reading (latest ping first).

'; SUP_get_last_log_entries(500); echo '

'; } # telling WordPress to ping if the post is new, but not if it's just been edited function SUP_ping_if_new($id){ global $wpdb, $post_title; $SUP_output_log="\t─────\n"; $SUP_ping_result=''; $forcedpings = false; if(get_option('SUP_ping') == 1 && trim(get_option('ping_sites')) != ""){ # fetches data directly from database; the function "get_post" is cached, and using it here will get the post as is was before the last save $row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query( // "SELECT post_date,post_modified,post_title,guid FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE id=$id")); "SELECT post_date,post_modified,post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE id=$id")); # if time when created equals time when modified it is a new post, otherwise the author has edited/modified it if(!$row["post_title"]){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (ERROR: YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN TO ENTER A POST TITLE) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ if($row["post_date"] == $row["post_modified"]){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tPinging services (New normal post: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,get_permalink($id)).$SUP_output_log; # Try commenting the line above, and uncommenting this line below if pinging seems to be out of order. Please notify the author if it helps! # generic_ping(); }else{ // Post has been edited or it's a future post // If we have a post title it means that we are in the normal WP loop and therefore it was an edit (not a future post) if($post_title){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (Existing post was edited: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tPinging services (New timestamped post: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,get_permalink($id)).$SUP_output_log; # Try commenting the line above, and uncommenting this line below if pinging seems to be out of order. Please notify the author if it helps! # generic_ping(); } } } }else{ if (trim(get_option('ping_sites')) != ""){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (WARNING: DISABLED BY ADMINISTRATOR)\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (WARNING: EMPTY PING SERVICES LIST)\n".$SUP_output_log; } } SUP_log($SUP_output_log); } # More or less a copy of WP's "generic_ping" from functions.php, but uses another function to send the actual XML-RPC messages. function SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,$SUP_guid = ''){ $SUP_output_log=''; #$services = get_settings('ping_sites'); #UP - 17.07.07 - get_option is newer/better then get_settings $services = get_option('ping_sites'); $services = preg_replace("|(\s)+|", '$1', $services); // Kill dupe lines $services = trim($services); if ( '' != $services ) { $services = explode("\n", $services); foreach ($services as $service) $SUP_output_log=SUP_send_xmlrpc($forcedpings,$SUP_guid,$service).$SUP_output_log; } return $SUP_output_log; } # A slightly modified version of the WordPress built-in ping functionality ("weblog_ping" in functions.php). # Original version: #function weblog_ping($server = '', $path = '') { #global $wp_version; #include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php'); #// using a timeout of 3 seconds should be enough to cover slow servers #$client = new IXR_Client($server, ((!strlen(trim($path)) || ('/' == $path)) ? false : $path)); #$client->timeout = 3; #$client->useragent .= ' -- WordPress/'.$wp_version; #// when set to true, this outputs debug messages by itself #$client->debug = false; #$home = trailingslashit( get_option('home') ); #if ( !$client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_option('blogname'), $home, get_bloginfo('rss2_url') ) ) // then try a normal ping #$client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home); #} # This one uses correct extendedPing format (WP does not), and logs response from service. function SUP_send_xmlrpc($forcedpings,$SUP_guid = '',$server = '', $path = ''){ global $wp_version; $SUP_output_log=''; include_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php'); // using a timeout of 5 seconds should be enough to cover slow servers (changed from 3 to 5) $client = new IXR_Client($server, ((!strlen(trim($path)) || ('/' == $path)) ? false : $path)); $client->timeout = 5; $client->useragent .= ' -- WordPress/'.$wp_version; // when set to true, this outputs debug messages by itself $client->debug = false; $home = trailingslashit( get_option('home') ); # The extendedPing format should be "blog name", "blog url", "check url" (the new URL), and "feed url". # Related Website(s) # http://www.weblogs.com/api.html # An example: # Someblog - Title # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog - Home URL # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog/PersonalSpace.aspx?something - Check/New URL # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog/feed.rss - Feed # Changed the following line therefore: # if($client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_settings('blogname'), $home, get_bloginfo('rss2_url'), get_bloginfo('rss2_url'))) if ($forcedpings){ # If this is a forced ping it's better to use a regular ping for the homepage without an update URL (safer) if($client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home)){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Regular Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► ".$server." could not be pinged. Error message: “".$client->error->message."”\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ if($client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_option('blogname'), $home, $SUP_guid, get_bloginfo('rss2_url'))){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Extended Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Updated : '".$SUP_guid."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► RSS URL : '".get_bloginfo('rss2_url')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ # pinging was unsuccessful, trying regular ping format if($client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home)){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Regular Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► ".$server." could not be pinged. Error message: “".$client->error->message."”\n".$SUP_output_log; } } } return $SUP_output_log; } $post_title = ""; # Receives the title of the post from a filter below function SUP_post_title($title){ global $post_title; $post_title = $title; return $title; } # Log $logfile = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger/ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger.log'; function SUP_log($SUP_log_output){ global $logfile; $logerror = 0; $fh = @fopen($logfile, "a"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, $SUP_log_output)){ update_option("SUP_error", 1); }else{ update_option("SUP_error", 0); } @fclose($fh); } function SUP_get_last_log_entries($num){ global $logfile; $lines = @file($logfile); if(get_option("SUP_error") == 1){ $fh = @fopen($logfile, "a"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, "")){ echo "Error writing log file (".$logfile."). Most likely your logfile (".$logfile.") is write-protected and no log data can be saved (change the rights of this file to 777), or alternatively this could mean that you have manually removed the log file, or that you have changed the directory or file name of the plugin (they both should be 'ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger')"; }else{ // Original: $lines = array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num); // Modified to show in reverse order (easier for reading) $lines = array_reverse(array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num)); $msg = ""; foreach($lines as $line){ $msg.=trim($line)."
"; } echo $msg; } @fclose($fh); }else{ if($lines === false){ echo "Error reading log file (".$logfile."). Most likely you have manually removed the log file, or alternatively this could mean that the logfile (".$logfile.") is read-protected (change the rights of this file to 777), or that you have changed the directory or file name of the plugin (they both should be 'ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger')"; }else{ // Original: $lines = array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num); // Modified to show in reverse order (easier for reading) $lines = array_reverse(array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num)); $msg = ""; foreach($lines as $line){ $msg.=trim($line)."
"; } echo $msg; } } } # adds a filter to receive the title of the post before publishing add_filter("title_save_pre", "SUP_post_title"); # shows the options in the administration panel add_action("admin_menu", "SUP_add_options_page"); # calls SUP_ping whenever a post is published add_action("publish_post", "SUP_ping_if_new"); # calls SUP_ping_draft when changing the status from private/draft to published # add_action("private_to_published', 'SUP_ping_draft'); # removes the "WordPress official" pinging hook remove_action("publish_post", "generic_ping"); # activates pinging if setting doesn't exist in database yet (before the user has changed the settings the first time) if(get_option("SUP_ping") === false){update_option("SUP_ping", 1);} if(get_option("SUP_pinglog") === false){update_option("SUP_pinglog", 1);} if(get_option("SUP_error") === false){update_option("SUP_error", 0);} ?> November, 2011 | Kite 2012
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Kite 2012

Kitesurfing News Year 2012-2016!

Archive for November, 2011

Aerodynamical lesson – why do kites fly and pull?

Posted by kite2012 On November - 29 - 2011

Once for all let´s sort out all the questions you might have about kites and aerodynamics. What the hell is angle of attack, what is drag, why is a thin profile faster than a thick profile? What´s the benefit with a curved canopy? What is aspect ratio? Read this post to the bottom and you´ll get a much better understanding about kites and aerodynamics in general!

Why do kites fly and pull?

The reason to why we can possibly kitesurf is thanks to the power generated in the kite, so how is this power “created”?

When wind hits the kite, the airflow divides and some passes over the kite’s extrados and some passes under the intrados. The airflow on each side of the kite has encounters a different shape and is forced to take different paths. The airflow must then cover two different distances, but arrive at the same time. The airflow on the extrados has to travel further and faster than the air under the intrados. The airflow passing under the kite slows slightly which increases its pressure, so it “pushes” on the intrados of the kite. The airflow over the kite is accellerated so it exerts less pressure, creating a suction that “pulls” on the extrados. These toe forces combine to create the aerodynamical force on the kite. Because of the kite’s position perpendicular to the kite lines, the kite pulls against the kite lines. The kite will pull upward when positioned overhead, and pull us along when it is flown at a lower angle. Kites need to have a stream-lined airfoil shape to fly, and they need to be flown at an efficient angle between 15 to 25°

When the speed of the wind (S) over the increases, its pressure (P) decreases (S+ = P-). A negative pressure is then exerted on the surface of the profile which will lift forward.

When the speed of the wind decreases on a profile (S-) the pressure increases (P+), which pushes the profile. The forces exerted with pressure represent about 25% of the total power exerted on the profile. The forces of suction represent about 75%. Just like an airplane wing, a kiteboarding kite flies thanks mostly to the decrease of pressure on its upper side.

The force produced vary according to the angle between the kite and the wind. The image above show the passage of the air stripes according to the angle between the kite and the wind (angle of attack). The larger the angle of attack, the greater the turbulence.












The cord

It is the line that passes through the center of the kite’s profile. This line defines the angle of attack and the width of the profile (the dotted line)

A: The lift

This is the force created by the passage of the air on the profile of the kite (arrow A).

C: The drag

This is the force created by the friction of the air on the kite and of the wake created as the wind passes over the profile. This force always moves in the same direction as the wind arrives at the kite (arrow C)

B: The aerodynamical force

This is the total amount of force created on the kite by the lift and by the drag. Designers are of course looking for ways to reduce the drag in favor of the lift, which will conequently create upwind performance (arrow B)

D: The weight

This is the force exerted by the weight of the pilot when he is on land. The resistance of the board when the kiteboarder is in the water can be added to this force (arrow D).












The angle of attack

This is the angle between the cord of the kite and the wind. Changing the angle of attack affects the power of the kite. You change this angle by using the bar or the trim system fixed on the leader line. With a small angle, the profile creates sufficient force for the kite to stay in the air. With more angle, the kite powers up more. With too much angle, the drag becomes stronger and the kite is pulled backwards, also known as backstalling. The image to the left is only an example. The forces vary according to the profile of the kite, the type of kite (foil or inflatable) and the angle of attack.






Size of the kite

The kite’s size is given as the measurement of the kite’s flat area. The size area is measured in square meters. The kite’s size (area) is an indication of its power. The size of the kite is not only factor that affects power, there is also shape, design, and aspect ratio etc. But size is the main indicator of power. Larger kites have more power than smaller kites. The kite’s power is proportional to the size of the kite. A 6m kite has half the power of a 12m kiteof the same shape and design.

The canopy shape

This is the curve of a kite as seen face on. This curve gives the stability to the kite when it is moving because the curved canopy channels the air. A flat shape needs stabilizers on each tip to fly correctly.





The profile

The profile affects the performance of the kite. A very flat profile is very fast, but sensitive to wind changes or to the action of the pilot on the angle of attack.










A very curved profile makes the kite stable and smooth to sheet in and out with the bar. Yet this type of profile is very slow because it generates extra drag.




Aspect ratio

The proportion between the surface area of the kite and its length (A) is called the aspect ratio. Kites with a high aspect ratio can fly faster and point closer to the wind, and glide well in jumps. Lower aspect ratio kites are easier to fly, relaunch quickly, and are more stable in gusty winds. As a beginner you should look for a kite with low aspect ratio since it’s much more foregiving and easier to progress with.



The pitch

This is the ratio between the position of the front line connection point and the center of effort of the kite (the line where the power of the kite is exerted), The pitch influences the balance between the kite and its abilities to sheet in or out by changing the angle of attack. According to the profile and the type of kite, the center of pressure is either more or less positioned at the front, which influences the position at the front lines connection knots.

Power of the kite

There are two main factors that affect the kite’s power (F). The size of the kite (A = area) and the relative windspeed (V). What is important to note is that the size of the kite has a proportional affect on the power. Double the size and get twice the power. But this is not the case when it comes to the wind. Double the windspeed and you get four times the power. The power of the kite is therefor equal to the square of the wind speed multiplied with the area of the kite.

F = V² * A

The relative wind speed (V) is the result of the true wind, plus the induced wind (velocity wind). The relative wind is also known as apparent wind. The power (F) is what creates traction. This is most noticeable either when the kite passes in the middle of the wind window, when we fly the kite to make a jump, or simply when we have little speed once on the board.

The aerodynamical forces change with square of the velocity (double velocity = quadruple the lift).

A kite does not pull much when it flies steadily at the edge of the of the wind window (above your head or on the sides). But as soon as it gains speed, either by passing through the power zone or because the pilot is in motion, then its power greatly increases.

When the pilot and the kite stay in a fixed position, and the wind speed remains constant, then the kite will have a steady pull. If you move the kite, or the pilot then the power will change. Kites and pilots are usually in motion so the power of the kite is constantly changing.

Still don’t get it? Check out this page  The Basics of Kite Power – How Does a Kite Create its Power? for about the same information, but with other words and pictures.

Related External Links

Kitesurfing Course

Posted by kite2012 On November - 25 - 2011

Is it necessary to take a kitesurfing course?

In my opinion the answer is, without doubt, YES! Kitesurfing is known as a hazardous extreme sport, which is both true and false. In the end it all comes down to in what way you decide to surf. One can stick to kitesurfing in safe conditions and in a safe way. What I mean by this is that if you only go out with your kite in light wind conditions and if you are happy with just cruising back and forth, then you don’t have anything to worry about. The power generated by the kite depends on the size and the wind speed. Double the size of the kite and you get twice the power. Double the wind speed and you can multiply the power by four. In other words, as long as you’re not overpowered you´re most probably fine even if you crash.
Safety equipment will also greatly improve your safety. Use of a helmet and an impact west while surfing in light wind is like driving your car 30 mph with seatbelt and airbags. You really have to be unlucky to get injured in these conditions.

So why are we told that kitesurfing is hazardous?

Kitesurfing invite the majority of all surfers to keep pushing their limits. You end up riding overpowered faster and faster, jumping higher and higher. It’s fun and also a great feeling to jump so it’s natural that we push the limits. But as you get more experienced you also learn to handle speed and power which in turn makes you a safer rider. So the fact that the water is filled with crazy kitesurfers can’t really be applied to number of injuries.

So when are people getting injured?

Some accidents happen when advanced riders are making tricks and skimp on safety. We all know that only geeks were helmets and it´s cool to show of your tricks near the beach in shallow water. Sometimes certain riders have to pay for this style with broken ankles and wrists and dislocated knees.
However the worst accidents are those on land… crashing in the water is one thing. The water damp your landing pretty good even in shallow water. But crashing straight down to the ground can fuck you up quite bad, you can even die if you’re unlucky and hit a stone, tree, building etc.
Many of the accidents on land happen due to carelessness and insufficient knowledge about safe kitesurfing, things that you learn when you take a course…

How can I avoid getting injured?

If you read everything above this line you probably understand that I advise everyone to take a kitesurfing course. You might have a buddy that can teach you, but that is not recommended. Imagine step into a gym for the first time in your life. Would you prefer to get a lesson in weight lifting from an instructor rather than having your friend telling you some “good tips”? Your buddy might be a good kitesurfer, but will most likely teach you how to kitesurf in a way that reflects his own experiences with kitesurfing. There is a good chance that he doesn’t point out the importance of how to use the safety system or show you how to launch and land in an inappropiate way or why you should avoid launching and landing behind sand dunes, hills, infront of obstacles etc.

For some good information on kitesurfing rules, equipment, hand signals, wind window eth. check out Gusty. Click on the links next to the girl.
This page also has some great information about kitesurfing kurs. It’s in swedish, but hey we all know how to use google translate, right? :)

Related External Links

Aaron Hadlow – New Video

Posted by kite2012 On November - 24 - 2011

Youri Zoon – World Champion 2011

Posted by kite2012 On November - 22 - 2011

Youri Zoon became the 2011 world kitesurfer champion, again… you wonder how long he will continue to be unbeatable, until he’s to old or perhaps until he gets injured? Anyway, he’s an inspiration to kite surfers all around the world and we´re happy to see him deliver the most amazing tricks! Here is a nice compilation of some of his tricks this year, enjoy!

Related External Links

Nick Davies is back

Posted by kite2012 On November - 22 - 2011

Nick Davies is back after his recovering period from an injury. Nick became the 2010 cable world champion and shows that he still is in good shape!

Related External Links

Flexifoil Hadlow ID

Posted by kite2012 On November - 21 - 2011

Flexifoil Hadlow ID is Flexifoils new flagship and considering that Aaron Hadlow himself rides with this kite should be proof enough to give this kite top marks! If you read on Flexifoils official site it says (not very surprisingly) that this more or less is a kite with top performances within all aspects. The problem with reviews written by the manufacturers themself is always that they highlight all the positive characteristics of their kite and don’t even mention the bad things and they never compare their own kites with their competitors kites.

So in an attempt to give you some objectively information about this kite we put together a list with reviews of the Hadlow kite from surfers with different background.

  1. Review from kitemovement
  2. Review Flexifoil Hadlow Pro 2009
  3. Discussion about the Hadlow ID at Kiteforum
  4. Flexifoil Hadlow ID by Kitemare
  5. Great review about Hadlow ID 12m from Pushkiting
  6. Testing new Flexifoil Hadlow ID
  7. Flexifoil Hadlow ID kite information from ATBShop

Finally we would like to share this awesome video with Aaron Hadlow!

Youri Zoon vs Alex Pastor – PKRA 2011 Singles Final

Posted by kite2012 On November - 20 - 2011

We have all seen Youri Zoon in numerous of promo videos and we know that he is a pure talent. He won the PKRA in Germany this year. Here is a video from the final.

Snowkiting crashes

Posted by kite2012 On November - 20 - 2011

The winter is here and for some this means that kite season just begun! Snowkiting is a great extreme sport and does not require as much wind as kitesurfing on water. But if you crash you might hurt yourself even more than you do in water… Just look at this video made by Morten Gjerstad.

Question is if snowkiting is more dangerous than kitesurfing… What do you think?

Related External Links

Naish Park 2012

Posted by kite2012 On November - 20 - 2011

Naish Park

Naish is considered to be one of the best kite manufacturers in the world. The design of their kites, easy handling and good perfomance appeal many kitesurfers. Good advertisment also help of course, just look at these videos!

So what have people to say about Naish Park? Here are a bunch of reviews:

  1. Naish Park at Naish Kite Surf
  2. The Naish 2012 Park
  3. Naish 2011 Park Action video
  4. Some pics of the new Naish 2012

Win a Naish Park

Related External Links

Kitesurfing Trip

Posted by kite2012 On November - 19 - 2011

Is the temperature dropping below zero where you live? Did your thick wetsuit, gloves, boots, hood and double layer of thermal underwear only keep you warm for 30 minutes during your last kite session? Perhaps where you also more or less alone in the water and thought that you would die from cold when you got changed after the session? But you´re addicted and must get your fix, but how? Go on a kitesurfing trip of course! But where…?? A spot where it´s warm, windy and which you can afford to go to is all we require, right? :) Anyway, I thought I should list some good alternatives here.

  1. Hurghada, Egypt. This is a popular place to go. Lina Björkskog is a girl that has been and written some about Hurghada at her nice kitesurfing blog
  2. France. Don’t know how warm it is in France, but at least windy accoring to this video France Kitesurfing
  3. Prak Nam Pran, Pranburi, Thailand. For those who like Thailand, check out Kitesurfing Thailand
  4. Hawaii. Kiteboarding in Hawaii must be a dream!
  5. Puerto Rico. Rory Callaghan can tell you about this place.
  6. Ponta Preta. Don’t ask me where it is, but Mitu Monteiro can tell you.
  7. Mue Nie, Vietnam. Check out this spot on this site Kitesurfing in Mue Nie
  8. Sail Melbourne. Vicky tells about kitesurfing in Sail Melbourne in her blog.
  9. Cape Town. Just looks at these waves, inMotion Kitesurfing

Related External Links

Best Kahoona V2 vs Kahoona V3

Posted by kite2012 On November - 18 - 2011

Best Kahoona V2 vs Kahoona V3: What has changed and why?

New Canopy Ripstop

  • Higher tear strength for improved impact resistance and dureability.
  • Improved Ripstop coating technique gives a crisper fabric with enhanced performance.
  • New canopy printing techniques integrate printing onto canopy segments before final fabric treatment for more vibrant graphics.

New Dacron Materials

  • Higher tear strength for improved durability
  • Better handling of bias loads for enhanced steering response & flight stability.

Both new materials lead to a more stable kite.

Lighter and adjustable bar pressure, introduction of trimming options.

  • Best introduce the A and B settings on the Kahoona V3 to increase versatility of the kite. This will make this kite more appealing to advanced riders.

New Size

  • 3.5m enables kids and women to build their ideal quiver.
  • Exceptional school kite. (Guroo will be discontinued)

Kahoona V2 vs Kahoona V3: What has stayed the same and why?

The DNA of Kahoona V2 has been preserved where possible. The KAhoona V3 is a 4 strut, mid aspect Delta kite using the bridle concept as the V2.

Sizes: 3.5/5.5/7.5/9.5/11.5/13.5

Excels in:

  • Surf
  • Freeride
  • Light Wind/Race
  • New to the sport

Performance Attributes:

  • Powerful low end
  • Auto-relaunch ability
  • Stability in all conditions
  • Ease of Use – Plug and Play
  • Easy jumping
  • Full depower
  • Effective and easy to use safety
  • Good upwind ability
  • Steering when depowered

PS. Keep in mind that everything stated above is Best’s own words and they might spice everything up to make the Best Kahoona V3 stand out as an exceptional kite, like all other manufactures ;)

Related External Links

Mads Wollesen – Knocked Out

Posted by kite2012 On November - 18 - 2011

Mads have been on tour for half a year with Airush in Cape Town where he worked with video editing and other stuff. His first production is now released since he broke his hand.

For more info about Airush, check out Airush Kite

Related External Links

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Posted by kite2012 On November - 18 - 2011

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