Davi is only 3 years old and already a kitesurfer! Davi is able to kitesurf equipped with a small trainer kite and a surf board which is pretty amazing! Normally kiteschools don’t teach students younger than 12 years old according to the IKO standards. Teaching kids in this age can be a nightmare, not only since they are unmature, but also without fully developed body feeling and mind and lack of respect for the kite and safety. However, some kids develop skills in an early age which is a big advantage since it’s much easier to learn advanced tricks in a young age while your body still is strong and healthy. Just remember when you were young and climbed in trees like a monkey, jumped from roofs and dived from cliff at 10 meter high without fear for braking your legs and back. Then when you reach 30+ jumping from a chair to the floor is simply not something you do without taking a potential risk of fucking up your knees or even break something.
So imagine if this young talent Davi gets the possibility to continue kitesurf and develop his skills… I think this kid might become a new champ when he reach an older age!
A problem though is that Davi comes from a poor family and for his father to afford a real kite equipment is simply not possible… But there is a fund to which you can make a small donation:
So let’s raise some money so we can enjoy this young talents struggle to becoming a new world kitesurfing champ!